POETRY: Enthusiastic is a Women

by A Valentine Joseph

Ambitious is a woman. 
She knows what she wants, 
Strive to get it, 
And she does. 

Boastful is a woman. 
She talks too much. 
Dawdle to get it, 
And she does not! 
Courageous is a woman. 
She stays on track 
Struggle to get it, And she does. 

Doubtful is a woman. 
She is blind. 
Gets lost on the way to get it. 
And she does not. 

Enthusiastic is a woman. 
She is open to anything, Ardent to get it, And she does. 

Faithless is a woman. 
She stumbles all the way, 
Groping to get it, And she does not. 

Generous is a woman. She is benevolent. 
Freely gives it away. She may get it back. 

Hatred is a woman.
She is festering. 
Cannot see it, And never gets it. 

Ignorance is a woman. 
She is witless. 
Don’t have a clue how to get it. 
And she does not. 

Joy is a woman. 
She is love. 
Elated to get it, And she does. 

Knowledgeable is a woman. 
She is no mystery Captures it. And she gets it. 
She is the ultimate woman. 

(Taken from A Valentine Joseph… Nostalgia)

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