Photography by Laura Putman
"It is a vehicle through which we can convey the message to other women worldwide; that you can achieve your goals, and that there is support available from other women by a click of the mouse. Through our shared stories, thoughts, and experiences, we hope to empower, educate, and develop each other while building a bridge through which we can network and make our businesses more sustainable." ~ Dr. Cottle
This is the second issue of Simply Inspirational For Women in Business Journal™ and Dr. Cottle hopes that every year we will be able to publish a volume. Writers can submit several articles for acceptance in the journal. Submissions should be no shorter than 350 words and not exceeding 1500 words preferably; however longer articles are also accepted after negotiating with the editor. A really nice article that's impacting gets approved and is published. Articles should be written in Word format. On committing themselves to submit an article, interested individuals have to identify which topic they will be addressing and is expected to submit the title of the paper and an abstract. In addition, they must also submit a brief biography of no more than 150 words in a Word Format. Accompanying that is a head shot with 300dpi and in a .jpg or .png format. Other information includes an email address and a telephone number are also asked for to create the journal. Include any links to your website and or blog if available. These things are asked of the writer so that they can also be showcased professionally. All our writers are also informed that entrance is free and their participation is voluntary and free.
The contributors are also informed that materials submitted must be an original piece written by the contributor. If you quote someone, include reference. They are also provided with the deadline for all submissions and provided with a timeline for the final publication and are informed that the journal will be published. Experienced, as well as novice writers are welcome to submit articles. Our writers are not limited to write about the topics and sub themes suggested. If they have a topic that is not listed in our proposed list, they can propose it to the editor and a decision can be made for its submission. Participants can also submit poems, short stories, and or photography. For more details please contact the editor. Submissions are reviewed for acceptance and if you are required to make additional changes, you will be informed. Thanks for your voluntary participation in this project. We hope to use various methods of publications to get our message to as many women worldwide.
This is a journal for women in business written by women in business.